Pearl Harbor, US-Japan Relations, and a New Endeavor

Prime Minister Abe offering “condolences” at Pearl Harbor on December 28, 2016, showcased Japan’s commitment to a bilateral alliance that faces numerous challenges: an incoming American presidency that calls for greater contributions from its allies, declining American power, and rising influence of players in Asia that challenges Japan’s regional position established during the Cold War.

Relations between Japanese and American people, not just their governments, will be key for both societies navigating the new “G-Zero” world order, as defined by Eurasia Group founder Ian Bremmer, where no one country can single-handedly construct an international system  that maintains global peace and security. Japan and the United States need each other more than ever.

From here on I will post essays based on personal experiences and observations rising from a life lived between two fundamentally different cultures, along with ideas on US-Japan relations and international affairs in this transitioning world.

Finally, as an American born and raised in Japan for 21 years by American parents, I offer my bilingual/bicultural skills to assist all those with an interest or a stake in this relationship.