Bridging the gap between Japan and the United States. 


International Relations

❝ Mr. Carpenter impressed me with his firm grasp of international affairs, regional and world history and diplomacy. He displayed a true sense of inquisitiveness and ability to discern complicated diplomatic language and interests. Matthew's enthusiasm and the quality that he brought to his work at the United Nations distinguished him from the pool of journalists covering the work of the Security Council. ❞

Dainius Baublys
Minister Counsellor
Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the United Nations

❝ While Matthew was a journalist at the UN, I was always impressed by his ability to navigate the distinct cultures in evidence at the world organization to provide the best understanding for his audience in Japan. Indeed, I consider him to be as much a cultural translator as a linguistic one, a prized quality in a world that, although increasingly interconnected, is still full of obstacles to genuine communication. ❞

José Luis Díaz
Senior Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Officer
United Nations Department of Political Affairs

❝ Matthew Carpenter is adept at navigating the diplomatic currents, whether in the UN or beyond. His fluency in Japanese and English enables him to shift from an American perspective to an East Asian viewpoint quickly and adeptly, never losing sight of objectivity and professionalism. He was a pleasant, friendly colleague in the UN press corps and will work hard for his clients. ❞

Dulcie Leimback
Founder, Editor, and Writer of PassBlue
Fellow at Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies

Business Negotiations

❝ Trust is essential when hiring an interpreter in a country where you don’t speak the language. I asked Mr. Matthew Carpenter to represent me in negotiating with New York Social Services, among other organizations. When I conveyed my demands and positions to Matthew, he would make full use of his career history and skills to represent me in the difficult negotiation process while constantly keeping me informed. He delivered superb interpretation while doing all the necessary background research and preparation before the negotiations. You can trust him. He is reliable, and a man you can relate to as a friend. During my 10 days in NYC, he carefully explained to me everything from how to use cell phones to manners and information necessary for dining and tourism, and he also represented me in solving problems with my hotel. No matter what my demands were, he maintained a positive work ethic and listened to my concerns with an “I got this” attitude.

You need to be able to trust your interpreter. I vouch for Matthew, who is not only trustworthy but can keep up with Japanese humor. ❞

Akishi Hori
Publisher and Client

International Business

❝ Matthew resolved problems I encountered and educated me in ways that added value to my career at the Seattle Main office of Wells Fargo Bank. He cultivated lasting relationships for our team with business partners and clients from the US, Japan, and around the world. His efficacy as a team player and leader, his rich international background, and his finesse in a complex and challenging work environment make him an asset for any organization navigating the modern international marketplace. ❞

Anthony C.
Market Research Analyst of a Federal Credit Union

❝ As the manager of the import/export company we worked together, Matthew Carpenter facilitated operations between Japan and the United States effectively while enhancing workplace communication within the office. Matthew also was adept at negotiating with American organizations while keeping in mind Japanese and American cultural expectations, backgrounds, and means of communication. He demonstrated understanding of the various barriers of communication between Japan and the US and succeeded in negotiating challenging contracts, all while contributing to an effective and fun office culture. I am confident he will make good use of his ability to navigate the two cultures in his career onwards. ❞

Mikiko Nakayama
Sales Representative
Toyo Rice Corporation


❝ During his time as a UN journalist for The Yomiuri Shimbun, Matthew successfully covered, translated and interpreted international news and issues emanating from UN headquarters for a Japanese audience. He was well prepared, thorough, intellectually curious and utterly professional. He showed himself attuned to the needs of his Japanese publication and readership. These attributes, coupled with his formidable bicultural skills, will serve his clients exceedingly well. ❞

Christopher Matthews
Senior Press and Public Affairs Officer
European Union Delegation to the United Nations

❝ Matthew showed great commitment, tenacity and focus covering the United Nations. ❞

Afaf Konja
Spokesperson for the President of the United Nations General Assembly 68th Session John W. Ashe

Humanitarian Relief

❝ After the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami of 2011, Matthew Carpenter joined Japan International Food for the Hungry (JIFH) to contribute to recovery work with refugees. He worked diligently under difficult circumstances in Sendai and other cities. He also assisted with office work at our Osaka headquarters. Matthew has a gift for reaching out to and connecting with those who are in need. ❞

Hirohisa Seike
Managing Director
Japan International Food for the Hungry